Drawbacks of the Lebanese Economic Policies 1992 up to now
[اقرأ المزيد...]Dear friends and colleagues,
Having surpassed 80 years of age and 60 years of work experience and having compiled a great deal of ideas and advices in the form of articles, lectures and presentations, I find it appropriate, in this age of modern technology in communication to establish a website of my own.
The purpose of this website is to share my life time experiences with all those who care to benefit, especially in the field of economics and poultry industry.
As I hand over more and more of my work responsibilities to capable successors, I intend to devote more time to public interests. I will share with my friends, acquaintances and whosoever shows interest more contributions in the field of my specialization and interest.
I sincerely hope that the writings that this website will carry , will prove beneficial and resourceful to several generations.
With kindest regards,
Wrote articles and lectured over thirty years in technical and economic subjects related to the poultry industry in lebanon and the Arab World. Co-established the Lebanese Poultry Syndicate in 1962. Wrote articles and lectured during the past fifteen years in economic subjects in Lebanon and the Arab World. Scarted practicing free services to poultry farmers since 1958 and established the free servicing concept in all his companies thereafter.
For more information and details about the business please visit:
Wrote articles and lectured over thirty years in technical and economic subjects related to the poultry industry in lebanon and the Arab World. Co-established the Lebanese Poultry Syndicate in 1962. Wrote articles and lectured durning the past fifteen years in economic subjects in Lebanon and the Arab World. Scarted practicing free services to poultry farmers since 1958 and established the free servicing concept in all his companies thereafter.
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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.
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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vitae risus nec dui venenatis dignissim. Aenean vitae metus in augue pretium ultrices. Duis dictum eget dolor vel blandit.
Wrote articles and lectured over thirty years in technical and economic subjects related to the poultry industry in lebanon and the Arab World. Co-established the Lebanese Poultry Syndicate in 1962. Wrote articles and lectured durning the past fifteen years in economic subjects in Lebanon and the Arab World. Scarted practicing free services to poultry farmers since 1958 and established the free servicing concept in all his companies thereafter.
Several on going contributions are being made by both companies, Wadi holdings SAE and Tanmia SAL both of which Musa Freiji holds a majority share and is the chairman of the Board.
Saed Frayha, Lebanon
Tel: +961-5-951994 / 5